Let's get one thing straight: I am not old. I am actually 19. I just think I should be 19 in the 1960s...or '40s...or some time that doesn't require learning tons upon tons of new technology in order to slightly increase the possibility of getting a decent job. Why am I writing a blog then, you ask? There are two answers for that: 1. I'm tired of shying away from things that I'm not naturally good at and 2. I have an hour to kill and I don't want to start my paper that is due Friday.
This year, I've already made some great strides in my love-hate relationship with technology. Everyone has Facebook, including my mom (even though her page is actually under my dad's name--confusing!), so I don't count that as an achievement. However, I did recently get a Twitter account, which I'm still wrestling with. I have mastered the retweet, but that's about it.
Next, I created my Youtube account. I know this is super hard to believe, but until about a week ago, I didn't even have a Google account set up. That's right: no Gmail. My friends thought I was insane. I'm still half-convinced that Google is trying to take over my life. However, I got over it for enough time to get Youtube all figured out. Of course, I've been using Youtube for years, but now I have subscribed to a total of three channels. This is what I've been missing out on. Go me.
You have no idea how much the creation of this blog is stressing me out. I just have this feeling that everything I'm typing is going to disappear and then all of my brilliance will be lost. Or that my template will look super weird. Or that something is going to look ridiculous. Then again, none of you know that this exists yet and hopefully this blog will stay in a quiet little corner of the Internet until I can work out all the kinks.
I think I'm done here. Fingers crossed the posting of this goes well!
The pitfall of all of Internet-based technology is remembering passwords/login information.