Monday, March 19, 2012

Back to Basics

I have just finished my lovely week-long spring break and with it came new revelations about old interests of mine.

Firstly, I love books. I love the way they look, the way they feel, and even the way they smell (The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien is a best-smeller--pun intended!). Cheesy jokes aside, there is just something about sitting down to read a good book that makes me truly happy. And the feeling I get from cracking open a book for the first time--or even the second or third--just can't be duplicated by reading the exact same story from a computer screen or an e-reader. As much as I want to begin to embrace technology and new forms of media, my love for turning the page into a brand new world will never change.

Secondly, I love old movies and TV shows. The black and white kind. With the overacting and sub-par special effects. Old movies aren't as glamorous as today's movies, but in some ways they are more glamorous. I am absolutely delighted by the story of  It's a Wonderful Life; I am shocked, scared, and, quite frankly, mesmerized by Hitchcock's Psycho; I watch The Twilight Zone religiously; and any movie with Mae West kills me. "Peel me a grape!" That's just good stuff.

I'm so glad I had a week to relax and do some of the things I love. In this technological age, we often get lost in our fast-paced pursuits. Sometimes it's nice to just take a breather, a minute to ourselves, and enjoy the simpler things in life. The thing is, we shouldn't have to wait until spring break or any other vacation to suck the marrow out of life. Find the time to do what makes you happy because when you're not bogged down with life, you just might start to live.

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