Wednesday, June 20, 2012

These Days of Summer

Happy first official day of summer everyone! Like many college students, I've been on summer break for over a month now, but it's still nice to welcome the summer solstice with a (long overdue) blog post.

What have I been doing lately? Nothing overly technological. Of course I still use Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube religiously, but right now, my time is devoted more to working and fishing than improving my tech-savvy skills. I have started a little project, however, that combines my time outdoors with technological growth.

It's nothing earth-shattering. I just take pictures of the natural world around me and post them on Twitter. It hasn't caused me too much anxiety (except for the unreliable Internet connection I have to deal with) and it isn't very complicated, but it still excites me. It's fun to start conversations about things I like with people I may not even know. The Internet is pretty helpful when it comes to that.

I think it's cool that we can share things that are so un-electronic in the most electronic of ways. I could go the old fashioned, romanticized route of sending postcards, but somehow posting my own photos from my own experiences has a much more personal feel to it. The images can't be held in your hand, but they were seen by my eye. There's something very special about that.

The most beautiful place in the world, as seen by an old soul. 

I encourage you all to take pictures of things that interest you or are important to you, but don't just keep them all for yourself; share them! I know (better than most) that it can be a bit daunting to "go public" with something that you are emotionally invested in, but once you take the plunge, it's actually very rewarding. If photography isn't your thing, that's fine. Write about it (like me!), post videos, or get soundbites.  Find a way to share what you love because, chances are, other people love it too. Who knows? Sharing your passion could help you make a friend or learn something new. Doesn't that make it all worth it? 

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